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Do You Know Why Most Personal Injury Cases Never Go To Court?

Do You Know Why Most Personal Injury Cases Never Go To Court?

If you are like most personal injury plaintiffs, you will find it easier to settle out of court than to fine an actual lawsuit in court. You will need to hire a good personal injury lawyer in either situation. There are literally dozens of reasons why most personal injury cases never go to court. This article will discuss some of the more common ones.

Avoiding uncertainty: Your personal injury lawyer in Bell Gardens will tell you that most plaintiffs choose to settle out of court because winning a case in court is never clear-cut or certain. Many unexpected factors or events can and will arise that may negate the plaintiff’s case. These tend to come up during the discovery period. Also, witnesses may do no shows, the defendant may spring surprises, or you may find that your case was really not as strong as you originally thought. While you could always appeal the final verdict, keep in mind that this is usually a lengthy and time-consuming process.

Saving money: Personal injury lawyers know that going to court is not cheap. Yours will tell you this during the initial consultation. Part of the reason for this is because of the many experts and witnesses who are needed to testify. However, another equally important reason is that it takes a lot of your personal injury lawyer’s time and efforts to draft a case that will win in court. What makes matters worse is that you (the plaintiff) may have to pay the defendant’s court and other costs if you don’t win in court.

Saving time: You may have bills related to the personal injury accident that you have to pay off immediately. You can’t wait up to a year for your settlement to come through the courts. You may choose to settle out of court.

Your personal injury lawyer may be overworked: Since going to court creates a lot of extra work for your personal injury lawyer, he or she may advise you that settling out of court would be an easier option and would still win you the settlement that you want.

Anyone will be able to see the outcome of your case: If you go to court, anyone will be able to see all case details. Your claim will be completely private if you choose to settle out of court though. If you value privacy, settling out of court may be a better option.

Settling out of court is more reasonable: Going to court is stressful. Settling out of court is not so much so. You can also avoid the stress that comes with having to prove that the defendant was liable in court. Now that you know why most cases settle out of court, you and your personal injury lawyer may decide to settle your case out of court as well.

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